Aa Tucker Map frontpiece (800x631)
The 1877 Tucker Map is one of the earliest maps of the county to show landowners. Pen and ink drawings by an unknown artist adorned the sides of the map. In 1877 the Towns of Chimney Rock and Unity had not been formed yet. The Albion map shows a small area called New Chicago–this later became Eleva. The map makers apparently had a hard time spelling some of the Norwegian and Polish names.

Downloadable PDF Files

1877 Directory

Landowner index 1877?

Formation of Tremp Cty (464x800)
Formation of Towns in Tremp Cty
Directory of Galesville
Directory of Galesville and Dan Kennedy Farm
Markham Farm in Burnside
Burnside North (800x733)
Burnside North
Burnside south (800x727)
Burnside South
Ettrick east (666x800)
Ettrick East
Ettrick west (609x800)
Ettrick WEst
Gale east (640x602)
Gale East
Gale west (619x800)
Gale West
Hale east (800x737)
Hale East
lincoln (800x590)
Town of Lincoln
Pigeon (684x800)
Pgeon and Directory of Pigeon Falls
Preston east (475x640)
Preston East
Preston west (609x800)
Preston West
Sumner east (800x652)
Sumner East
Sumner west (800x608)
Sumner West
Tremp East (640x405)
Trempealeau East
Tremp North (800x558)
Trempealeau North & Directory
Tremp west (800x591)
Trempealeau West
Hale West
Nicholas Mueller  Arcadia
Home of Nicholas Mueller, Arcadia
Caledonia 1877 (800x677)
Town of Caledonia McGilvray’s Ferry was originally platted as the village of Caledonia but the log drives down the Black River put an end to the ferry and prospects of the village.
Arcadia School 1877
Arcadia Public School
Downtown Ettrick
Ettrick Residence and Blacksmith shop of PJ Hoff
Ettrick Directory 1877 (800x688)
Ettrick Directory and South half
Blair Directory
Blair Directory Town of Preston
Directory of Whitehall (631x800) (2)
Whitehall-Public School
Osseo-Stoddard field 1877 (800x589)
Osseo Town of Sumner Home of Stoddard Field
J L Linderman home Sumner (800x673)
Sumner-JL Linderman Home
1877 Sumner Mill (800x790)
Sumner Mill

Directory of Independence Caledonia (800x222)

County stats 1875
County Post Offices, Officials and population
A aaaaa Arcadia SW (815x1024)
Arcadia SW Trempealeau River on the west boundary
Aaaaa Arcadia NE (745x1024)
Arcadia NE
Aaaa Arcadia NW (665x1024)
Arcadia NW
A aa Albion (1024x844)
Albion–New Chicago would become Eleva. Hamlin was the main settlement with a hotel and school, located on the old stageline from Eau Claire.
Dodge 1877 (800x623)
Dodge–created out of Town of Trempealeau
Caledonia Hannam (800x484)
Caledonia Farm of Hannams
Caledonia Chappell (800x476)
Chappell Farm Caledonia