Burnside / Independence
Burnside was settled in 1856. The first settlers were the Markham family who came from Great Britain and purchased land near the present day city of Independence. Other early settlers were Giles Cripps, J J Zimmer, Albert Bautch, Jessie and Lovell Kidder, Elias and Albert Spaulding, John Bugby, Martin Jellen and Theodore Sluga. The Town of Burnside was created in 1863 and named after
Gen. Ambrose E Burnside who commanded the Army of the Potomac for a short time in the Civil War. Rural schools within the Town were Borst Valley, Cripps, Farmers(Zimmer), New city and Wickham Valley. Independence was founded in 1875 when the railroad came through the Trempealeau Valley. The site for the town was purchased from Jake Pampuch and christened by Civil War vet David Kelly. The first three lots in town were sold to David Garlick, JC Taylor and Edward Elstad. Prior to the coming of the railroad the hamlet of New City enjoyed a short life southwest of Independence. It had a school, store and mill, When the railroad laid the tracks close to the confluence of Elk Creek and the Trempealeau River, many of the buildings in New City were put on skids and moved to the site of what is today’s Independence. For more information visit the Independence Historical Society on the ‘Links” page.
Downtown Independence store 2023
Teckla Weirsgalla and Peter Kloss 1920
Old 3 Mile bridge—also called Woychik bridge 1913
Teckla Weirsgalla Kloss and Son Don 1956
1919 Marriage of Tom Bautch and Pauline Mlynek, Independence
Pape Bus Service
Class of 1946 Independence High School
Old Elk Creek Creamery building, 2023
1963 Bowlers
Collapsed shed, Maule Coulee
Kloss Steam Engine breaks thru the bridge, Independence
Back bricked up door of old pharmacy , Independence
Cooks for the 1940 Gene Bautch/Rose Kampa wedding. Third lady from top row left is Gertie Woychik, 4th lady is Julia Miemietz Kampa
Eagle Bar, Coffee Cup Restaurant, Taco Restaurant 2023
1950 Indee Basketball
Tom Pride with Darrell Pryzbylla Feb 2023 Tom was given an award for his 60 years of service with the ERGC
Robert and Tom Bautch, John Mlynek 1918
Joe Reck Around 1915
Independence Methodist Church 2023
Jacob and Mary Skroch Kulig family
Kulig Anniversary
1947 Flood
Dam wreckage Flood 1947
Class of 1922 Reunion
ERGC Ice fishing Contest, Lk Bugle 2023 Mary C. Anderson with camera
1956 L-R Hardware Store, Lyga’s Store, Fank, Platz Drug, Dress shop?, Runkel’s Hardware, Andre Grocery
1976 Independence Days Buttons
Three Independence girls, about 90 L-R- Agnes Zylla Gruetzel, Tena Reck Smieja, Mary Reck Walek
Lonely little house above Travis Valley
1911 Choir Picnic near Independence L-R-Tony Sabatta, John Pampuch, Dominick Stencil, Joe Symiczek, Roman Gamroth, Joe Sabatta, Andrew LibMike Maciosek, Louie Sabatta, Sam Sprach(sp?) In background, Mrs. Ray Lyga Photo from Silesians of Tremp Cty Facebook page
Wickham Valley
Civilian Conservation Corp Chaviri near Independence 1930’s
Independence looking west 2022
Independence Wedding Cooks for Joe and Bernice Smick Kulig Oct 1949 Town of Burnside L-R Tracy Halama Korpal, Anna Bautch Kpr[a;, Gertrude Smick REck, Valaria Suchla Edjno, Mary Dejno Klonecki, (behind Helen) Monica Pientok Dejno, Helen Smick Rumpel, Eleanor Dejno Tooley, Clara Halama Reck
1916 Melzarek Furniture and Mortuary
Popular dance pavilion later with supper club and bowling alley
Story of Markham Castle , Independence
Markham Castle, torn down in the 1930’s
John Markham, descendent of pioneer family in Town of Burnside
1947 Independence Flood
Independence 1940's
First Catholic School, Independence
Elk Creek Mill 1951
1897 Elk Creek
Independence City Hall built in 1902
Dr O M Schneider
1940 Butchering for Gierok/Woychik Wedding left–Rita, Paul, behind him Paul II, Edmund, Paul and Don Woychik
Postcard, 1904 Bugle Lake, Independence
1956 Barbara Brown, Alice in Dairyland
August Weier and Rose Smieja Wedding 1920. August was a WW1 veteran and died in 1927 from poison gas lung damage
August Weier WW1
August Weier
1966 New parochial school construction, Independence
1958 Bar-Non Mill fire
Four generations of the John G Lyga family–Mrs Simon Nogosek, Eleanor Nogosek, Mrs John Dubiel, Mrs John Lyga,
1947 Twirlers, Irene Killian, Rita Puchall, Irene Sura and Bernice Halama
Sept 2011 big rain/flood , road north of Independence
Funeral for Louis Wiersgalla . He was an MP directing traffic at the crossroads in Cierges, FR when a German artillery shell hit. He died the next day from his wounds. His remains were brought home for reburial at the St Peter and Paul Cemetery in 1922
Prvt Louis Wiersgalla
Bautch fire - 1896
1947 St Elizabeth Society luncheon for Harriet Pawlowska
Carl Halama and wife 60th wedding anniversary
Carl and Mary Halama Family
Independence Sauerkraut Festival and queen candidates 1950’s
Thomas Truogs Anniversary
1928 fire in Independence. It is speculated the store was north of the old bank–
1947 8th grade rural school grads
Peter G Bautch and his mare Silver 1940’s
Polly’s Bar/aka Nibbies Demolished in 1978, replaced by apartment building
Independence Creamery and Pietrek’s in 1964
1948 Wi Centennial parade in Whitehall—Independence entry
Kids Fishing Contest 2018
Thoma Auto Wrecking and Junk Yard north of Independence on Hwy 93 in 1963
Peter A Sura, USMC 6th Infantry, killed in action July 19, 2018 at the Battle of Vierzy, Chateau Thierry. Son of Peter and Agata.
Peter A Sura –the American Legion Post Sura Wiersgalla #186 named for Peter
Blacksmith Shop 1926 Ole Huff, A Filla, Ole Hanson at Anvil. Rear-John Gamroth, John and Peter Pampuch
Wreaths Across America St Peter and Paul Cemetery Dec 2018–a wreath was placed on the grave of each veteran.
Wreaths Across American sponsored by Sura Wiersgalla American Legion Post #186 Dec 2018
Martin Wiemer sold furniture and home supplies, was the funeral director and for many years County Coroner
1928 8th Grade for Monica Woycik who attended Wickham Valley School
Girls Wrestling 2022
Martin Borst Namesake of Borst Valley Early settler, buried in Hale Wegner Cemetery
Sarah Borst Wife of Martin
Kathy Zeiglin, Jescey Thompson, Kiera Kjos, Vaida Goplin 2017
Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Rev Kufel of St Peter and Paul Church
Independence Milk man _______ Markham
Mike Lyga and the Veteran’s Museum in the Independence High School
Kids’ Fishing Contest , Bugle Lake, Independence 2017
Texaco Station, Independence
Father Gara, St Peter and Paul Church
2016 Main Hall
Funeral of Ft Gara, July 1922 SSPP
Ft Gara’s funeral, July 1922 SSPP
St Peter and Paul about 1910. The old parochial school is on the far left, the steeple poking up from the trees is the original schoolhouse.
Ft Peter Rombalski’s First Mass May 22 1932 Niece Margaret Rombalski with pillow, Helen Rombalski on his left, on far left Peter Kulig and ____Pyka. Ft Rombalski (Rabalsky) was one of 15 children born to Frank and Catherine (Roskosz) Rombalski
SSPP from the southwest side, around 1920
Holy Name Society badges SSPP
Cripps School- 1959—Back-L-R ___Cilley, ___Smieja, Ruth Smieja, ___Gruentzal, ___? Middle- ___Dumbeck, Berniece Smick, Bernard Halama ____? Front- Theresa Smieja, Dejno Twins, John Dejno, ___Burt, Vernon Anderson, Joan Burt
High water–Bugle Lake Dam Independence 4/4/1956
Platz Drug in Independence
St Peter and Paul sanctuary decorated for Christmas 2015
Elk Creek School Founded 1870-closed 1940 Photo from 1930s
1936 Elk Creek School Students
H C Halama late 1940s
Andrew Grulkowski, Independence HS 2015
Isaac Pape and Jackson Standafer 2015 football
1913 Poultry Show held in Independence
Poultry show 1913
J A Markham 1913
Independence Business ads 1913
Ad from 1930 county plat book
ERGC Fishing Contest 2016
July 2014 Old span bridge is replaced during Hwy 93 road construction
July 2014 Road construction on corner of Hwy 121 and 93 junction. Old gas station/Kevin Benning business is removed
Ada Markham took over the Independence newspaper after the death of her husband. Note the presence of either a big cat or small fluffy dog on her desk.
indee baseb Top-1939 Independence American Legion Team. They went to state but lost in semifinals. Front L-R-Rudy Smieja, Bill Andre, Saul Isaacs, Ray Reck, Lyman Call, Millard Fellenz, Roman Sobotta Back-Pete Misch, Everett Blaha, Ralph Klimek, Ed Resler, Geo Isaacs, Marcel Marsolek, Norris Olson Bottom photo-Indee Old Timers-Front L-R Ray Hagen, Helmer Neperud, Alan Briggs Edmundson, ernie Fremstad, Len Ellison, Al Windjue, Back row-Cliff Bautch, Ray Reck, Ralph Sygulla, Fred Gardner, Ken Swenson, Don Warner, Merton Hagen, coach De Bow, Peanuts hagen
Henry Kurth Family members
Independence HS 45th Class Reunion 2015
2009 Kids Fishing Contest in front of City Hall
2009 Bugle Lk view east
1930 Dam Repair
2006 Dale Miemiietz in Bugle Lake quagmire
Lutheran Sunday School kids 1979
Thor Jackson Family 1880
Independence Lutheran church 1979
Lutheran Ladies Aid 1979
Lutheran Ladies 1880s Mrs Ever Anderson, Mrs Ole Marveson, Mrs Bennet Anderson, Mrs Tom Jackson, Mrs ___Jackson, Mrs Lars Kelly, Mrs Ole Nelson, Mrs Ed Larson, Mrs Syver, Mrs Amundson
Lutheran Confirmands 1920, 23, 24
Mr and Mrs Jacob Jackson
Mr and Mrs August Anderson 1890s
1881 pen and ink drawing of Independence. At this time Bugle Lake was almost 90 acres in size.
Old bank on left, present day office of Kulig Michalak and Franklin on right next to vacant lot which was once the site of the Runkel Hardware Store and Filla’s Farm Lounge.
Louis Slabik engine
Railroad Street 1900 looking east
Independence 1940 at intersection of CR Q and Hwy 93 view west
High Water in Independence 1906 looking west into town. The grain elevators in the background on the right are the site of the telephone office and lumber yard,(2014)
girls team 2014, Coach Kale Kowahl
2005 View of City Hall and park from Bugle lake
2009 Kids Fishing Contest.
2010 Kids Fishing Contest on banks by bridge.
Sept 2011 Flood Bridge to Bugle Park, Independence.
2010 Kids Fishing Contest Fishboard Independence
Kids Fishing Contest 2010 L-R Bob Pietrek, Al Suchla,__, Ottie Baecker
Independence aerial shot 2002, Bugle Lake upper right.
George Markham Family (original white settlers of Independence)
Old Independence School–1-12 grades Approx 1915
John Markham and wife
May 2010 Kids fishing contest
Markham Farm with octagon house, Ronceval, in mid rear
Markham Castle-Ronceval 1890s. On hill northeast of independence, torn down in 1930’s
Markham Family Octagon House “Ronceval”
Fred Maule Family
1953 Romelle Schneider Roosevelt
V. Pietrek Family
Valentine and Barbara Pietrek
Fireworks over Bugle Lake
Fishing Contest 2005
Romelle Schneider Roosevelt
Homecoming Court 1960s Bob Maule, Darlene Dejno, Perry Pietrek
Oldest building in Independence moved from New City in 1877–formerly the Thalacker Bait and Garden Store 2021
ERGC dedication of streambank restoration honoring the late James Helgeson.
Club Midway under construction , 1930’s
Peter and Catherine Mlynek Wedding Day 1913
Prohibition woes
Doughboy Martin Matchie 1918
1909 Barn Raising at Mike Skroch farm in Wickham Valley
1940 Cooks at the Monica Mish/Dominic Sylla wedding reception at the John and Julia Sygulla farm front-Martina Sosalla, _____ Back- Sarah Sygulla, Julia Sygulla, Lucy Mish.
Hyacinth and Susanna Woychik Kulig Golden Wedding Anniversary front, back row Gertrude, ____, Paul, John
Ben Kampa
Mr amd Mrs John Halama
Wickham Valley School kids in front of the school and Pete Pason’s “bus” Back L-r R Marion Woychik, Berniece Sonsalla, Delores Wozney, Helen Bautch John and Ernest Sonsalla, _____, Laverne Sura Middle-Beatrice Sonsalla, ____Woychik, ____, Jim Wozney, ____Woychik Front- Bernadine Kampa, Joan Bautch, ____Wozney, Rosaline Puchalla, _____, Grace Kampa Photo Vitus Kampa
wedding invitation to wedding of August Weier and Rose Smieja 1921
Charles Pieterick , WW1 veteran and his four sons
John and Anna Walek Family , Golden Anniversay 1921
Ralph Sluga
Ralph Sluga, KIA WW2
Peter Filla Bar Paul Sobieck on left.
Albert and Josephine Skrzypietz Bautch 1903
Anna and Lexi Kurth and Fair Steers 2021
Kampa Wedding at the Charles Kampa home in Wickham Valley—from Vitus Kampa collection.
Kampa Wedding in Wickham Valley–newly weds are in the front seat of the buggy.
St Peter and Paul church 1983
1895 Building St Peter and Paul
Lester Senty and Ken Gallagher
1985 Independence High School Wrestlers
Libowski Bar perhaps—Independence 1904
Bartender Roman Smieja, owner of bar–Tom Bisek 1904
Libowski Bar perhaps– 1904– photo not identified
1951 Martha Marsolek
Bautch Brothers, Albert and Sebastion in front, Lawrence in back
Independence High School 1953
Indee Cheerleaders 1953 Rita Jackson, Marlene Sobish, Jean Myers and Luvane Helgeson
2020 ERGC Ice Fishing Contest 2020 The fish board.
Dr Charles Peterson
Ed Slabik and Ralph Weirsgalla in Korea
1954 Township Queen Contest at County Fair
Bob Pietrek 2018
2019 Elk Rod & Gun Club Ice Fishing Contest
Bushy’s Meat Market bear decorated for St Patrick’s Day 2019
Elk Creek village plat 1914
Elk Creek Store 1914
Mary Sluga, Julia Skroch, Jennie Moga, Susie Skroch
ID card used by Frank Halama during WW1
Henry “Hank” Gamroth, rescued in WW2 by Desmond Doss
Peter Sura and Louis Wiersgalla, KIA 1918
Borst Valley School 1929 ( was located on Cty BB) Teacher Effie Filla Back Row L-R- Phyllis Burt, Albert Sylla, Lyle Back, Fred Marsolek, Gladys Lokken, Raymond Sylla Front- Helen Rombalski, Caroline Rombalski, Glenn Hendrickson, Carol Hendrickson, Elmer Lokken, Verna Burt, Euphrosine Rombalski
New City School 8th Grade Class 1943 (located on Cty X) L=R- Marcus Kuka, Irene Bautch, Florence Bautch, Bill Filla photo from Mrs E Dubiel
Borst Valley School girls, 1923 L-R Eleanor Prokop, Agnes Burt, Alla Marsolek, Blanch Burt, Rose Prokop, Phyllis burt Photo from Agnes Amble
Independence 1940
Hero dog of John Bautch 1915
Rust proff corset sold at Wise & MIsch in Independence 1915
Peter Filla, son of Victoria and step son of Edward Jelen
Pietrek's 1964
Roman Klink
Roman Klink
Romelle Schneider and her husband, James Roosevelt
Joseph Roskos 1956
Peter Slabik in Prussian Army Uniform
Peter Slabik
Sid Dailey 2020
Independence New Wave, Ada Markham, editor 1900’s
Mike Skroch Meat Market 1910
Lyga’s Store 1954
Prom Queen Marie Bautch –later Mrs Don Kloss–Don was the Prom King 1954
Jelen -Libowski Wedding
John and Mary Sluga and family John was born as the family was immigrating to the US
Len Resler Bar–Molly behind bar, Corky, Doug and Ken Klimek
1915 strange happenings at Hoff Family farm
Ben and Susie Wozney 1941
Independence 2019, Bushy’s Meat Market, shop for rent, Eagle Bar, Coffee Cup Cafe, empty building.
Pape wreck, Independence 1915
Happenings February 1915 in Traverse Valley
December 1915 Independence News Wave Ad
Autographed advertising fan–Indee Bottling Company
October 25, 1896
A terrible catastrophe, which nearly resulted in the cremation of an entire family, comes from our neighboring village of Independence. Shortly before midnight on Sunday, the farm home of Frank Bautsch became enveloped in flames, spreading so rapidly that the family was forced to leap from the second floor to safety. Mr. and Mrs. Bautsch were burned badly, their hired girl fatally, and only Mrs. Bautsch’s father, Mr. Sygula, escaped with injury. Shortly before the fire started, a noise was heard and Mr. Bautsch saw someone outside the house, but could not make out who it was. After the fire was extinguished, a five-gallon can of oil was found to have been emptied into the house. Thus is seems there was a most dastardly attempt to cremate a whole family. Every effort will be used to find the fiend.
History of Independence 1878 (PDF)
Independence Baseball Reunion Team 1940s (PDF)
Independence Team IDs (PDF)
Valentine Pietrek (PDF)
Jim Sendlebach remembers Baseball
Restoration of Independence City Hall and Second Floor Theater (1/2)
Restoration of Independence City Hall and Second Floor Theater (2/2)
1905 List of Civil War and Spanish American War Vets Town of Burnside
1905 List of Village of Independence Civil War Veterans
Norwegian Lutheran church members pre 1900
Directory of Independence from 1877
Wickham Valley School (1/2)
Wickham Valley School (2/2)
Independence native Drexel Sprecher, attorney at Nuremberg trials.
1952 Roman Waletzke
1962 Independence
1947–meeting at St Peter and Paul to discuss using English instead of Polish
1938 saurkraut festival
1957 Cynthia Roskos and Rosemary Kulig
Anna Gamroth 1982
Markham Castle 1925
1947 rural schools
Graduation at parochial school 1956
Polish language 1981
Thomas Pampuch 94th Birthday
Wickham Valley School
Mrs Tom Walek 1948
Party at Pampuch Farm 1977
1927 Roy Lyga and Peter Filla
Ted Roskos 1957
Mary Bautch Sluga 1957
Sno Ball with King James Helgeson and Queen Pauline Roskos
1956 Cantata by parochial school kids