Civil War
Circa 1920 Seated left-right-Tallman, Trowbridge, Hank McGowan, James Mallery, Milt Whitney, Caswell ( father of Frank) Thompson, Rev. Sweet (?) _____, Ed weeks, Dascher, Towner Back Row-Lu Weeks, D Wells, ______, Wm Schultz, Shubal Breed, Elvie cummings, Calvin Breed, Bert Thompson, ___ Thompson Old courthouse is in the background. In the left background is the buggy shed.
John Bortle 1920
1937 John Muir was the last of the county’s Civil War veterans
Lewis David Massuere 1842-1923
Downloadable PDF Files
Town of Caledonia 1905 Civil War Veterans
List of Civil War Soldiers in Trempealeau County
GAR Old Courthouse_Whitehall
Walter Hunter Civil War Letter
Civil War Diary pt 1
Civil War Diary pt 2
Trempealeau County Civil War History
Trempealeau County Civil War History
1905 Veterans Lists by Location
(Click to enlarge)

Village of Arcadia

Village of Trempealeau

Town of Trempealeau

Town of Hale

Town of Lincoln

Village of Whitehall

Village of Blair

Town of Burnside

Village of Independence

Town of Unity

Village of Osseo

Town of Sumner

Town of Gale

Village of Galesville

Town of Preston

Town of Pigeon

Town of Caledonia (1/5)

Town of Caledonia (2/5)

Town of Caledonia (3/5)

Town of Caledonia (4/5)

Town of Caledonia (5/5)

Town of Albion

Town of Arcadia