Ettrick / French Creek / Hegg / Beach Corner
Hardies Creek Store on Hwy 54
1910 first Hardies Creek Store
1962 French Creek Lutheran Anniversary 100th
Pastor Bestul ( French Crk Luth) and Pastor Urberg from Blair Lutheran
Charles and Mark Hewitt 1922
1962 Ettrick Creamery
1918 Downtown Ettrick
Ettrick & Northern Cut
Ettrick and Northern looking west
Ettrick 1962
Ettrick and Northern headed to Blair
1962 Ettrick cow in a pool
Ettrick Threshers
Hegg 1890
French Creek Lutheran pipe organ circa 1909
Iver Pederson Early Ettrick businessman
Living Hope Lutheran
Pastor Myhre, French Creek Lutheran
Frenchville Strand's Spur Station
Isaac Galloway, farmer
Frenchville Spur Station Mynah bird
Beach store 1920s
French Creek old cabin
Casey Garage
Ettrick City Hall
Story of the Ettrick and Northern RR
Downtown Ettrick 1919
1930 firemen
Ettrick Bridge and mills by Lake Chapultepec
Ettrick Aerial View
Ettrick Hardware store
Helstad Hole in One
1946 Knitters Club
Upper French Creek School kids
Ettrick Woolen Mill
South Beaver Creek Lutheran Church 1967
Cance Building photo from 1895
Glasgow Hardies Creek Corn Fair 1946
Ettrick Victorian Houses 1962
Jane Johnson
Glasgow Hardies Creek Peacock Band
Pederson Store started by Ivar Pederson
Washington Coulee original schoolhouse
Ettrick Woolen Mill
4 H 1951
Ettrick farmers 1954
Ettrick CCC Camp
Beaver Creek Dam after 1976 flood
Ettrick Public School
Frenchville School
Miss Ettrick 1969
John Swenson 1948
Wayne Wilbur in Ettrick Parade 1971
First Glasgow School 1917-18
1950 Ettrick Elevator
Ettrick Pickle Queens
2012 French Creek Lutheran
Beach Corner Wedding
Beach Garage
1990 Beach School
1990 Beach Schoolhouse
Beach School history
1938 Beach School Baseball
Clifford Blaha receives Bronze Star
1944 Easter Cantata with French Creek Lutheran and other area churches
Chapultepec School 1940's Teacher Mildred Stenberg
1914 Ettrick Business ads
Ettrick Public School
First Beach Schoolhouse
First Glasgow Sch
French Creek Lutheran Church 2008
Frenchville Store 1950
Glasgow First Corn Show
Glasgow School
Glasgow School
Glasgow 1948
Glasgow 1954
Glasgow 1956
Glasgow 1957
Glasgow new school
Several Glasgow teachers
Glasgow Hardies Creek Schoolhouse 2010
Hardies Creek Lutheran Church 2018
Interior of Harmon School
Hegg School 1960's
Hegg School 1901
Hegg Mercantile Store
Hegg School 1950s
Jens Hagestad and wife
Ettrick downton Perfect Oil
Town of Ettrick 1914
South Branch School 1947-8
South Branch 1946
South Branch 1926
South Branch School boys 1940's
Upper French Creek 1918
old Upper French Crk School 2018 ' Sometimes called Myrstuen School
Upper french Creek School 1955
Wayside School 1957 Teacher Agnes Johnson
Ettrick Hotel
Ettrick Tranhaus
Smith School
Wayside Teacher Agnes Johnson heading home after snowy day
1927 May Day at Beach School
Beach School 1933
1990 Beach School
Ettrick "Castle"
Ettrick Castle and Iver Pederson Family
Glasgow Corn Show 1940's
1915 French Creel Lutheran Church, Cty T
!930 Glasgow School
Glasgow 1948
Hegg Coronet Band around 1905
1915 Hegg Musicians
2017 Larry and Mardell Corcoran
South Beaver Creek Lutheran Church ( also called South Branch)
2017 South Beaver Creek Church anniversary
1910 Upper French Creek School
1909 Upper French Creek School
1926 Upper French Creek
Washington Coulee School around 1900
Washington Coulee 1900
Washington Coulee School
1931 Wayside School, Cty T
Whalen School