Unity / Strum
Brick Riverview School 1914
Dunk the Clunk
Enger Brothers threshing rig
Enger Homestead, Karl and wife, Hans on the windmill
Fricky Back, 1969
1913 Halvor Evenson family
Johnson Valley School south of Strum
1911 Koster LIen Threshing rig
Langerfield School
Meyer and Schmidlin rig 1906
1885 Peter Bronkrud moves to Colfax
1912 Road work
1914 Strum ads
1970 Strum Steam Engine Days
Strum village school on north side of town
Strum 1964
Strum view 1964
1916 Train Wreck
Strum fire 1928
1909 tragedy near Strum
Strum's float in Whitehall 1948 WI centennial parade
Strum Red Owl grocery 1964
1974 Strum's Puffer Belly train
1863 Town of Unity was originally called the Town of Chase, named after an early settler. The namesake, Mr Chase was killed during the Civil War and the name was later changed to Unity
P M Williams, early settler near Stum
1940 Ski Jumping meet
program for 1940 ski meet
Strum Ski meet
Johnson Valley School south of Strum