Preston / Blair
Larkin Valley School 1905
1952 David Dahl
1902 New brick Fagernes church dedication
Fagernes Confirmands 1914
1922 Blair Baseball team
1941 Tall corn
1946 Rural School program Joyce Severson, Elizabeth Johnson, Sylvia Sather, David Dahl, Janet Johnson, Lily Johnson, Fern Johnson, Darlene Syverson, Bernice Johnson, Donna De Hussen
1951 UFOs
1951 Firemen's Dance
1952 Park
Art and Mildred Simonson Stenberg
Bertha Hanson and children, widow of Hans Jacob Hanson who was lynched in 1889
1914 ads
1920 baseball team
Blair vs Arcadia 1920 Photo taken from bell tower of the school looking north
Zion Lutheran Church and parsonage
1914 Brookside School in Welch Coulee
1929 Brookside School
2014 Blair Taylor Basketball Team
2015 Bunads
1937 Carpenter School kids
Carpenter Schoolhouse
Guri and Bjorn Bergum
Charles Fagernes
2015 Coach Al Lien
Elmer Everson's 1888 Minneapolis Victory Threshing machine
Fagernes Lutheran Church
Shed for tying horses at Fagernes Lutheran
P G Gunderson family--15 children
Hans and Ole Fagernes--donated land for the church
Happy Mathson doing a somersault on skis
Reynolds School 1947-48
1895 first Larkin Valley School
1920 Irvin Coulee School girls
1920 Irvin Coulee Schoolhouse
1942 Irvin Coulee Boys Robert Storberg, Arnold Davidson, Vernon Arneson
Husmoen Family farm, Lakes Coulee
Lakes Coulee school kids
1938 Lakes Coulee School
Larkin Valley Schools
1935 Larkin Valley
1935 Lone Star School
1923 Lakes Coulee
Pleasantview School 1934
Pleasantview School--Vosse Coulee. Part of the district was in Jackson County
Ray Nereng 2025
1958 Reynolds Coulee float for the Egg Festival in Blair
Reynolds Coulee 1949
!933 Reynolds Coulee
Riverside School 1934
Sunnyside School (Tappen Coulee) 1954
Sunnyside school
1905 Teacher Amanda Hoff
Basil Peterson--became owner of Peterson Implement in Whitehall
Blair happenings 1951
Brookside School 1938
1919 Irvine Coulee boys
Lone Star School 1911
Teacher Molly Sacia on the steps of Irvine Coulee School
1928 Riverside School
1991 Tina Christopherson turns 100 Tina lived in Lakes Coulee
Solsrud Store 1900
2018 Sons of Norway float for Cheese Fest
souvenir of Stumpf Store
1951 Preston Town Hall
1914 basketball team
1897 Blair
1922 Pastor Urberg funeral
Blair Consolidated school with the old school in the background
Tax roll and birch shoes
2022 Lake Henry
2022 View SW from Square Bluff Road
1964 Blair House
1918 Ettrick & Northern in the Cut between Beach and Blair
Funeral at Fagernes , might be the funeral for Pvt Martin Erickson, first county man killed in France in WW1. His remains were repatriated to the US after the war.
1950 Riverside School kids
1964 Birch shoes owned by Minnie Thompson
2023 Tombstone for baby Josephine Nilson who died in 1875, Fagernes Cemetery
2024 Leland Chenoweth, age 103
Rainbow Restaurant on Hwy 53 2024
The Cut for the Ettrick & Northern RR. that ran between Ettrick and Blair. One of the deepest cuts in the state