Caswell School
Elk Creek Lutheran altar
1934 Carl and Mary Halama anniversary
carl and Mary Halama
1934 Floods and deaths
1901 Swaim home on Cty Rd O
1914 Caswell School
Pleasantville Store
Pleasantville 1964
1914 ad
Bruce Valley Lutheran church
Car Crash
Huskelhus School 1925
1949 road work by Husklehus Road
1948 Norwegian pioneer Ole Bergerson dies
first Bruce Valley School 1910 and second school
1910 Caswell School with teacher Sophy Johnson
Eimon School
Eimon School teachers
1925 Elk Creek School
Elk Creek Lutheran Church 2015
1910 Huskelhus first schoolhouse
8th grade graduates of Eimon School 1957
1914 Map of Hale east
Hale 1913 west
Wagner School 1931
1952 Wagner School
1957 Wagner school with Wagner 8th graders
Wagner 1953-54
Elk Creek Lutheran Church around 1919