Schools & Teachers
Harmon School, Town of Ettrick
Second Larkin Valley School, Town of Preston 1905
1957 Hegg Graded School grades 5-8
Hardies Creek 1901, burned 1950
1917 St Aloyius Parochial School, Arcadia
Lower Plum Creek, Back-Martha & Genevieve Parazinski, Clara Blaha, Front- Celia Mylnek, Valeria Suchla, Laura Truog, Nellia Parazinski 1923
1925 Huskelhus School Towns of Hale and Pigeon
1926 Norway Valley
1933 New Sunnyslope School, Upper Plum Creek, Town of Arcadia
1936 Sunnyslope (Upper Plum Creek)
1935 Coral City Graduates
1936 Coral City 8th Grade grads
1937 Coral City
1945 Rural School program in Blair L-R Joyce Syverson, Elizabeth Johnson, Sylvia Sather, David Dahl, Janet, Lily & Fern Johnson, Darlene Syverson, Bernice Johnson, Donna DeHussen
1951 St Aloysius Arcadia
1951 Decorah Prairie Kids, front boy with hands up is Ronnie Docken
1955 Decorah Prairie Chuck Timm, Chuck Schwartzhoff, Sacia Betz, either Terry or Rita Docken, Nancy Guthrie, Harold Szhwartzhoff with Bonnie and Donald, Sherryl Docken, either Terry or Rita Docken
Young Agnes Hunter's graduation photo. She married Martin Johnson and taught for many years
Teacher Agnes Hunter Johnson
Agnes Johnson leaving Wayside School . There had been a big;ate spring snowstorm recently
1930 Rainey Valley students, Town of Arcadia
1913 Teacher contract between Ada Suttie and the Town of Caledonia
1905 Decorah Prairie School L-R Ethel Davidson, Mamie Hunter (Byom, Nellie Dick, Agnes Hunter (Johnson), Esther Shonat, teacher Belle Barthlomew. Lucian Hunter, Leighton Cook, William "Kinner: Hunter, David McCown
Grant 1905
1908 Grant
1926 Grant
1958 Grant, Danny Grant, Vernon Jacobs, Randy Gartner, Sheryl Sager, Ann Thompson, Joane Thompson ( Vernon Jacobs was killed in Viet Nam)
American Valley School, Teacher was Mr Brownlee about 1870 Town of Arcadia
American Valley 1952
American Valley 1953-54
Decorah Prairie Bernie Schwartzhoff and Laurel Keith Hunter 1953
1914 Brookside School, Town of Preston
1929 Brookside
Brookside school , view east
Caledonia Consolidated 1946-7
1957 Caledonia Consolidated
1940 Chapultepec School, Town of Ettrick, teacher Mildred Stenberg
Coral City 1937 Town of Pigeon
Coral City 1937 baseball game
1939 Chimney Rock Brick
Crystal Valley 1915
Crystal Valley 1940 giving the "Bellamy Salute" to the flag
Daggett School 1949, teacher Mabel Anaas
Daggett 1958 Town of Pigeon
1953 Decorah Prairie, Town of Gale
Decorah Prairie School 1953
1923 demolition of first Upper Plum Creek School, (Sunnyslope)
1938 Decorah Prairie L-R Jackie Hunter, Verna Hunter, Walter Hunter, Carol Kopp
1950 Dodge Public School
1930 Beach School
Bortle School 1954 Town of Trempealeau
Bortle School around 1900
1929 Brookside School, Town of Preston
1958 Christmas at Brookside
Crystal Valley kids on bikes, 1950's
Crystal Valley
1918 Caledonia
1948 Caledonia
Caledonia School
Centerville 1946 Back L-R- Nancy Kruse, Joan Wason, Rau Bult, Rhea VanVleet, Roger Hjeland, Mary Lou Lettner, Douglas Winters, Norman Bult R 2- Stanley Baron, Jean Lettner, Peggy Harris, Melvin Bucholz, Lyle Severson, Virginia Bult, Phyllis Kopp Front- Neil VanVleet, Sonja Winters, Delores Baron, Norma Harris, Ruth Kiedrowski, Doris Jick, Carol Lettner, Allan Bult Jr teacher Marion Johnson on left
Cripps School 1990 the School was used as a garage for the Town of Burnside but was razed in 2021
Grant School Dutch dancers Ruthie Hanson and Jerry Byom
1955 Decorah Prairie boys l-r-Freddie johnson, Walter Rifenberg and Bill Betz
Eimon School Teachers
Elk Creek School Towns of Burnside and Hale
1951 Farmers School ( Travis Valley)
Farmers School 1945 L-R-H. Bautch, Patricia Gierok, __Marsolek, Adolph Lyga, Joe Mycek, Adeline Bautch, Clarence Matchey, M Misch, Jeanette Killian, Darlene Sluga, Paul K___ Teacher Mary Jelen (Elstad)
First Glasgow School, Town of Ettrick