World War I
Alfred Johnson
January 1915
Photos of Lt Leslie Gilbertson of Galesville–top, mid and below
Lt. Leslie Gilbertson
Ben Bull - Town of Gale Ben and Verna Bull. Ben became a lawyer in Madison
WWI Vets & 2 Civil War Vets 1919
Interview of Ernst Sielaff
William Melby Interview
WWI Draftees
Trempealeau County branch of the Department of Fatherless French Children
Richard Taylor–born 1895 in the Town of Gale to John and Jane. He was in the 201rst Military Police in France and arrived back in the US in 1919. He sold real estate in Madison and died in 1975.
John Harly Hopkins born in 1896 in the Town of Preston. His father, Florison, was County Treasurer for many years. Harly enlisted in the Marines and served in the 6th Marines. He was a corporal and was wounded in the Battle of Belleau Woods June 14, 1918 and received the Purple Heart. On his return to the US he studied architecture in Chicago. Harly was a noted interior designer. He died in Whitehall 1951
Draft Call October 1917
Tuscania and Otis Hutchins Feb 1918
Dr George Lawrence
Draft Call - 1917
Carl Hager, Sanfold Dale
Alvin and Roy Young
Christmas 1917 GK Gleason, Andrew Stanhoski, Elmer Groshong, John Schock, Arnold Beck, Tom Kupietz, Grant Pahl, Ernest Schultz, Leo Breska, Lewis Kreid, Andrew FErnholz, Frank Klimek, Geo Haines, James Foss, Emil Sauer, Redmond English, Frank Bliesner. John Schock was KIA in October 1918.
Draft Call 1917 - John Schock was KIA 1918
March 1918
Thousands of horses and mules were shipped to France for the War. Only 200 were ever shipped back to the US
March 1918 Joseph Smieja
CASUALTIES FROM TREMPEALEAU COUNTY “If the dead killed in WW1 were lined up 20 abreast and marched from sunrise to sunset, this is how long it would take to pass the reviewing stand –The French dead would take 11 days–The British dead 10 days–The Russian dead 5 weeks–The entire Allied parade with Americans, Serbians, Romanians, Greeks would take 2 1/2 months to pass–Enemy Soldiers would take 6 weeks–If ALL the dead were marched it would take 4 months for them to pass” ( excerpted from ” The Life and Times of a WW Soldier” by Clyde Cremer)
Oscar Tofte - Died from Flu on January 16, 1919
Carl M Torgerson who served with a Canadian regiment
Redwald Gottenberg Pigeon Falls
Redwald Gottenberg-Born 1890 in Norway. Came to the US in 1907 and worked at the Creamery in Pigeon Falls. He was a member of Co B, 58th Infantry and was on the troop ship Moldovia when it was torpedoed in the English Channel at 4:00 AM May 1918. His body was never recovered.
Dahl, Arthur, 23, Galesville - KIA Aug 1, ?18. Born in 1895 to Andrew and Caroline Toppen Dahl. He lived near Independence. He was a member of Co C, 120th Machine Gun Battalion, 32nd Division. Killed in action at the Battle of Aisne Marne in France. There is a grave site for him in Pine Cliff Cemetery, Galesville
Prvt Emil Knecht
Emil Knecht died from Flu while he was in England.
Andrew Stahoski , Arcadia Died 1921 from Tuberculosis
Andrew Stahoski Jr from Arcadia was a telegraph operator. He joined the Navy in 1917. His father was a mail carrier in the area for many years and his mother was Hellene (Slaby)
Towner, Elmer Raymond Born July 5, 1898 to John C and Margaret (Bartle) Trempealeau Sibs- Lloyd, Carleton, Hazel Died from Flu at Camp Stuart Hospital, Newport News, VA Oct 20, 1918 (his name was also spelled Touner?)
Nilson, Carl, aka Nielson/Nelson/ Aalstad 28, Hale ; . Born 2.27.1889 in Jackson County to August Aalstad Nielson and Helene (Olson) He was working as a farm hand near Pigeon Falls . Member of Co K, 356th Infantry, KIA at the Meuse on the day of the armistice. Body was brought back to the US and buried Ap 6, 1921 in Kings Valley Lutheran Cemetery. Nilson/Nelson Harold brother of Carl Nilson/Nelson. Born Aug 26, 1893 Died Oct 1, 1919 from complications of wounds (gangrene) received in the war
HERMAN J HANSON 1895-1918 Hanson, Herman J., 23, Eleva Brn 5.27.1895 Pleasant Valley, EC County Parents-Jens J Kittleson and Severina (Mattson) Hanson sibs- Carl, Albert, Oscar, Clara, Selma, Mathilde, Palmer, Melvin, Jalmer, Selmer, Lilly, Olida He worked as a farmhand for P M Gilberg, Eleva Private Co A 344th Infantry Died of Flu 10.21.1918 Stone in Pleasant Valley Norwegian Lutheran Church Cemetery, EC County
HANSON LOUIS TORVALD AGE 27, Born May 16, 1891 in Deerfield to Torger and Katrine (Larsen( Hansen. Later moved to Pigeon Falls and worked as a farmhand for Oscar Johnson in the Town of Garfield, Jackson County. Private 30th Machine Gun Battalion, Died Oct 4, 1918 from Flu.
Hendrickson, Leonard Ener, 29, Independence;, Camp Grant; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 6, 1918. Born 2.5.1889 in Chimney Rock, parents Carl & Aletta (Huselgard) Sibs- Hilbert, Albert, Alice, Olin, Eleanor, Arthur. Worked as a farmhand for John Linberg. Private, Infantry Replacement & Training Troop, His father died in July and then Leonard died from the Flu in 1918 at Camp Grant, IL Burial Chimney Rock
Hopland, Obert, 20, Eleva. Born 1898 in rural Mondovi, parents Emil Olson and Caroline Vigoren Hopland. Co E 127th Infantry Wis National Guard KIA in France Aug 3, 1918 Sergy and Dravegny Burial in Eleva
Obert Hopland listed in casualty report
SGT OTIS E HUTCHINS 1895-1918 Hutchins, Otis E., 22, Whitehall;. Born 10.12.1895 Parents were Dr Sylvester and Jennie Hutchins, Whitehall Two sisters Juanita and Ruth, Studied Pharmacy at the U of Valpariaso and was working in St Paul. Sergt HQ 107th Supply Train, drowned in sinking of Tuscania on Feb 5, 1918. Initially buried in Kilnaughton, Islay, Scotland but later his remains were repatriated and buried at Arlington National Cemetery in 1920. His father was in the Reserve Marine Corps as a medic.
HERBERT CHARLES., 29, Arcadia; kia Sept 26, 1918.Brn Set. 13, 1890, Glencoe, Parents- Henry H and Catherin (Theisen). Sibs- Heinrich, George, Ernest, Hugo, Ida, Eleanor, Catherine, Bruno, Otto. Farmed. On his draft card he claimed an exemption for Emphysema. Private First Class Co D 39th Infantry Died KIA Sept 26, 1918 Stone in Glencoe Cemetery
Theodore's mother, Katharine Jackson, made the Gold Star Mothers’ Pilgrimage to France in 1926 to visit Theodore’s grave.
Theodore working in the woods as a logger prior to WW1
Jackson, Theodore R., 27, Whitehall; ) Oct 8, ?18. Born in MN July 11, 1891, to Hans and Katherine Sibs-Irvine, Maria, Carther, Rudy, Harry, Joel Private in the Marine Medical Corp Unit 37, 127th regiment 32 Infantry, Died from Flu Oct 8, 1918 Burial in Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, Picardy France, stone in Lincoln Cemetery, Whitehall
Johnson, Alfred, 29, Eleva; WNG; pvt 127inf; Badricourt, Chateau Thierry, Fismes; dw Jy 31, 18.Brn 1889 , lived in Pleasant Valley, EC county, worked as a hired man for Frank Cleasby near Eleva WI Natl Guard, Corporal Co E, 127th Infantry Wounded at Badricourt, Chateau Thierry died July 31, 1918 Burial Asine Marne American Cemetery , Belleau FRA, 1956 Palmer Johnson applied for a stone to be placed at Pleasant Valley Lutheran Church, Drammen, E C County
Newspaper clipping from 1918 on Alfred Johnson
CORUNELL A KNUTSON 1894-1918 Knutson, Corunell/Cornell A., 24, Blair;. Born 7.6.1894 in Jackson county , Town of Franklin, to Ebert Holte and Eliza Brekke Knutson.Private Co M 354th Infantry, KIA Verdun Nov 2, 1918 Burial Meuse, Lorraine, France Stone in Zion Cemetery, Blair WI Corill (Cournill) Knutson from the Blair-Ettrick area. Corill was in Co M, 3rd Battery, 354th US Infantry, 177th Brigade, 89th Div, AEF. He was awarded a posthumous Purple Heart . Nov.2, 1918 Corill, a rifleman, was killed during an evening patrol action south of the German occupied town of Barricourt FRA. His first name is spelled at three different ways so it is hard to find correct records.
Death of Cornell Knutson noted in newspaper 1918 He died nine days before the war ended.
Klavestad, Otto, 25, Strum;.Born 12.18.1892, Oste Toten commune, Oppland fyske, Norway Parents- Johannes and Sigrid Sirifrodahl Klavestad Farmer near Strum. Private, Co E, 7th Infantry. Brother Jens was Tremp Cty Highway Commissioner in the early 1950?s. Burial Les Placys, Meuse, France. Died from his wounds Oct. 26, 1918 Memorial stone St Paul Lutheran Cemetery, Strum.
newspaper clipping on location of Otto Klavestad’s grave in France. Otto was inducted into the army and then a scant 4 months later was killed in action in France.
BEN W KOBA 1890-1918 Koba, Ben W., 28, Trempealeau;. Born in Winona 1890 to Vince and Mary (Tandesky) who were born in Austria, Siblings-Clara, John, Frances, Elizabeth, Edward. He lived in Trempealeau and listed his occupation as Fisherman. Private in the 161rst Depot Brigade. He died of the Flu at Camp Grant in IL and is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Trempealeau.MARKHAM GEORGE Brn 1896 E C County, to Franklin and Julia Worked on a farm near Strum Private 61rst Depot Brigade, Died from Flu Oct 2, 1918 Camp Grant, IL Cemetery-Holy Angels IGNATZ N PULLMAN 1889-1918 Pullman, Ignatz N., 30, Whitehall; pvt 163 Depot Brigade; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 13, 18. Ignatz owned his own 60 ac dairy farm near Pigeon Falls, Born to Jacob and Fannie ( born in Germany) 1888, sibs-Lewis and Julia. Nick left a will that he made before he left for the Army in which he left everything to his brother Lewis. Private 163rd Depot Brigade, Died of the Flu Oct 12, 1918 Camp Dodge, IA ERNEST SCHULTZ A 1896-1918 Schultz, Ernest A., 22, Arcadia ;. Born in MN 2-18-1896 to George and Lena (Rafoth) Worked as a farm hand for his father, Sibs-Hazel, Roger Private 59th Inf. Died from Emphysema at Camp Greene, NC Ap 10, 1918 Buried in Arcadia Public Cemetery SANFORD JOHN SEKSE 1896-1918 Seske, Sanford John, 22, Ettrick; Born Oct 27 1896 to Svend and Karine (Anderson) from Hardanger, NR. Sibs-Ella, Anna, Andrew, Helena, Cora farmed near Hegg, Was sent to Auto Mechanics School in Kansas City and died Oct 5, 1918 from Flu Buried at North Beaver Creek Lutheran Cemetery, Hegg His brother Andrew named a son after Sanford. ELMER R TOWNER Born July 5, 1898 to John C and Margaret (Bartle) Towner Trempealeau. Siblings- Lloyd, Carleton, Hazel. Died from Flu at Camp Stuart Hospital, Newport News, VA Oct 20, 1918 ( name was also spelled ‘Touner’ on some records)
Ernest Schultz from Arcadia 1918
Thoma, Anton, 32, Arcadia ;. Born 1886 Father-Joseph (name also spelled Toma) born in Russian Poland. Worked as a farm laborer in Arcadia/Independence area. Private Co F 18th Infantry KIA burial Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery FR, memorial stone at ST Stanislaus Cemetery Arcadia
BLAINE ODELL RENNING 1895-1918 Renning, Blaine Odell, 23, Whitehall; Born Sept 10, 1895 Parents- Bernard L and Olive (Gunderson) Sibs-Lawrence, Parker, Myrtle (Hermanson), lived in Welch Coulee, Town of Preston, farmed. Private Co K, US Army Training Depot, Indianapolis, IN, Died Oct 6, 1918 from Flu, burial at Rest Haven, Blair WI
Runnestrand Alfred T Born in Ettrick to Knut and Anna, was working in North Dakota as a clerk until enlistment. Inducted at Mott on April 26, 1918; sent to Camp Grant, Ill.; served in 8th Company, 161st Depot Brigade, to May 11, 1918; Company M, 356th Infantry, to death; overseas from June 4, 1918, to death. Engagements: Offensive: St. Mihiel. Defensive Sector: Lucey (Lorraine). Killed in action on Sept. 15, 1918; buried, Grave 20, Row 26, Block B, St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiaucourt, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. Mother applied for Gold Star Mothers Pilgrimage in 1929 memorial stone in Ettrick Cemetery
CAPT. WILLIAM F ROWLES 1889-1918 Rowles, William F., 29, kia Aug 30, ?18. Brn Goodhue County, MN 1889, parents Patrick & Elizabeth , Married to Ida ___, Veterinarian in Galesville, Captain Co M, 128th Infantry, Aug. 30 1918, Juvigny, Burial Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, Picardy,FRA
Capt Rowles
Capt Rowles tribute
JOHN SCHOCK 1894-1918 Schock, John, 24, Arcadia;. Born 1.23.1894 to Joseph and Johanna (Klonecki) Sibs- Joseph Jr., Frank, Mary ( married Ignatz Pyka), Constantine, Martha, George, Nicholas, Edward, Eleanor, Dominic, Ernest, half sister Stella Schultz. Lived in Arcadia and worked as a farm hand for John Manka in the Town of Burnside. Private Co C 132 Inf, 33rd Division, Died of wounds , Verdun-Forges Wood, Oct. 17, 1918 . John was wounded in the abdomen and died about two weeks after being wounded. In 1921, John’s body was returned for reburial at St Stanislaus Cemetery Arcadia Pictured with his sister, Mary (Pyka)
John Schock
George Baglien was born in Onalaska WI January 1890 to Hans Peter and Karen Lena Baglien. The family later moved to the Osseo area. In January 1916 George enlisted in the Canadian Over Seas Expeditionary Forces from Winnipeg. He gave his address as ‘Camper, Manitoba’. September 1916 he sailed on the SS Olympic to France. June 1917 he was hospitalized with the Influenza but recovered and was shipped back to the Front and was killed in action August 15, 1917 at the Battle for Hill 70 during the terrible 3 month long Battle of Passchendael. He is buried at the Vimy Memorial in France and served with the 8th Battalion.
PALMER P SKAUG (SKOUG) 1894-1918 Skaug/Skoug Palmer P Br 1894 to Otto and Oline Worked on a farm near Strum. Private 332cnd Field Artillery, 161 Depot Brigade, died from appendicitis in England, Sept 23, 1918 Cemetery St Paul Luth, Strum
Palmer Skaug/Skoug
IVER O SKULHUS 1898-1918 Skulhus, Iver 0., 21, Eleva;. Born 1898 in Norway, came to the US in 1906. Mother- Louise, sibs were Peter and Ragna (Dahl) Lived with Peter and his wife, Mollie, who was a merchant in Eleva. Private 1rst Gas Regiment, died from wounds Nov 2, 1918, burial Romagne sous Montfaucon, Dept of the Meuse, Lorraine FR Pvt Iver Skulhus. ” Iver Skulhus AEF SN#882142 Co F 2nd Battalion, 1rst Gas Regiment 177th Brigade, 89th Div AEF Purple Heart for action while serving as a Heavy Mortar Crewman with Co F during an enemy counter-battery strike upon his mortar position while in direct support of the 180th Brigade 90th Div in the northern section of the Bois de Bantheville, FR during the Meuse -Argonne Offensive on the morning of Nov 1, 1918 and died of wounds on Nov 2 “
Iver Skulhus
Stenberg, Oscar C., 22, Blair;. Born June 11, 1895 to Ole & Eline Mathia Sibs-Dena M, Arthur O. Farmed in the Blair/Town of Preston, Private 345th Infantry, died Jan 9, 1918 from Diptheria at Camp in Pulaski County, ARK. Photo of Oscar and his sister, Dena. Oscar’s sister Minnie, went to take care of him at the military camp when he became ill.
ERNEST SCHULTZ A 1896-1918 Schultz, Ernest A., 22, Arcadia ;. Born in MN 2-18-1896 to George and Lena (Rafoth) Worked as a farm hand for his father, Sibs-Hazel, Roger Private 59th Inf. Died from Emphysema at Camp Greene, NC Ap 10, 1918 Buried in Arcadia Public Cemetery
Private PETER EDWARD SURA 84th Company, 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, 2nd Division Killed in Action Peter Sura was born on May 22, 1894, and grew up in Independence. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on August 8, 1917, in Harlem, Montana, where he had relocated to homestead. He reported for training at Quantico, Virginia, and was assigned duty with the 84th Company, 2d Battalion, 6th Marines. As part of the 2nd Division, the 6th Marines sailed for France in January 1918 where it received additional training prior to entering the front lines. The 2nd Division entered the lines in March 1918 in Sector Toulon, an arbitrary name since nothing on the maps of the day showed the name, which was located between St. Mihiel and Verdun. Unlike the British several years earlier, the 2nd Division found theVerdun area quiet. In mid-May 1918, the 2nd Division moved by rail to the area of Chaumont-en- Vexin where it immediately resumed training in anticipation of a planned Allied attack on June 15. A German attack on British lines to the east, however, changed those plans and instead the division found itself being transported to Meaux, on the Marne River 25 miles west of Chateau-Thierry. In was in this area west of Chateau-Thierry where Peter was slightly wounded during a relatively minor engagement on June 3, 1918. He was hospitalized and probably missed the Battle for Belleau Wood, which began just three days later, and is known for some of the bloodiest fighting of the war. During this attack, the Marines of the 2nd Division threw themselves against the entrenched Germans, taking the woods in tough fighting. Their heroism galvanized the broken morale of the Allies and prompted the French commanding general of Sixth Army to issue an order that henceforth in all official papers the Bois de Belleau (Belleau Wood) shall be named Bois de la Brigade de Marine (Wood of the Brigade of Marines). history says about July 18-19: The 6th Regiment was held in reserve when the initial assault waves went over the top on 18 July. The next day, the 6th Marine Regiment (Sura s regiment) stepped off, advancing alone from Vierzy toward Tigny, but was stopped short of the objective by intense artillery and machine gun fire. Casualties were extremely heavy, estimated at 50 to70% in most units . . . 19 July 1918 is the single costliest day of fighting in the history of the 6th Marine Regiment. A history published by the 2 nd Division Association, The Second Division American Expeditionary Force in France 1917-19, lists Peter E. Sura as having died of wounds on July 19. ” Post script–Peter was from a family of 17 siblings. His older brother John had been killed at the Battle of Cold Harbor during the American Civil War. Peter was reburied at Sts Peter and Paul in Independence after the close of the war. (Info from the Independence Veterans’ Museum and Mike Lyga)
IRVIN T THOMPSON 1895-1918 Thompson, Irvin Theodore., 22, Blair;. Born Aug 30, 1895 to Brita (Bertha) Knutson & Thomas, at Porter Mills, Eau Claire County. Half sibs-Guy Nelson, Ida C Nelson, Anna, Josie. Worked at farm laborer near Hegg Private Co R 344th Infantry, died from Flu Oct 9, 1918 Memorial Stone North Beaver Creek Lutheran
OSCAR TOFTE 1886-1919 Tofte, Oscar Melvin, 32, Whitehall; Born Oct 8, 1886, Parents Ole & Inga M, Pigeon, Sibs-Halmer, Hilda, Joseph, Hilmer, Ludvig, Mabe l Farm laborer, Private Aviation Section of Signal Corps, Died of Flu at Vancouver Barracks, Washington, 1.16.19 At that time was listed as part of the 60th Spruce Production Squadron. Burial at Old Whitehall Cemetery
HECTOR VOLD 1893-1918 Vold, Hector G., 25, Osseo;. Brn June 7. 1893 to Hans Johanson and Wilhemina (Geist) Vold Wilhemina was born in Germany, Hans in Norway. Siblings were George, Arthur, Ada, Ervin, Nora, Maxwell, Kenneth. He worked as a farmhand in Delavan WI and then joined the UW-Student Army Training Corps in Madison. He died in Madison of the Flu Oct 12, 1918, burial in Osseo Cemetery
Clipping explaining the Students Army Training Corps
CLARENCE C WATERS 1899 -1918 Waters, Clarence, 19, Arcadia ;. Born in Glencoe, Buffalo Cty, 1899 to Tim and Alice , sibs were Jim, Alice, Allen, Frances, Lillian Private Co E 16th Infantry 1rst Division, MIA July 18, 1918 . Missing in Action. listed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Aisne Marne Cemetery, Belleau, FR, memorial stone at St Joseph Cemetery, Glencoe (Arcadia)
Clarence Water’s name on the roll of MIAs at memorial in France.
Louis Weirsgalla
Memorial service for Louis Wiersgalla
IDs on photo of memorial service for Louis Wiersgalla
Lewis Weirsgalla
VETERANS OF THE GREAT WAR Below are posted only a few of the survivors of the Great War. Anyone having an ancestor who served is encouraged to contact us and we can add them to the roll.
ARTHUR E BIDNEY 1896-1988 Born 1896 to John and Annie (both born in Norway). Lived near Independence. Worked as a carpenter previous to enlisting May, 1917. Discharged May 1919. Survivor of sinking of Tuscania. Worked as a teacher of Industrial Arts at Shorewood High School near Milwaukee.
LT. BEN BULL 1892-1964 Bull, Ben Born Feb 11, 1892 in Christchurch, NZ. Died April 1964. Parents were Anna Susanna (Suter) and Samuel Bull. Grew up outside of Galesville. He was in the ROTC at Ft Sheridan, IL. Ben was a lawyer who lived in Madison and was Chair of the Legal Aid Bureau. Married to Verna Lakey, two daughters.
Ben and Verna Lakey Bull
Ben Bull obituary
TOM C BAUTCH 1893-1972 Parents-Frank & Elizabeth (Jonitz) Enlited April 1918, member of Co B, 80th Army Infantry. Discharged February 1919. Wife Polly-children Albion, Lillian, Lucille, Marie. Member of AM Legion Post #186
Nathan Carhart-1899-1961 Parents Emma Towner and Nathan H Carhart. Private Co F 101st Supply Train 26th Division. Survivor of the February 1918 sinking of the Tuscania. Enlisted 7-25-1917. Honorably discharged 4-26-1919. Married Amanda Gjestvang and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery, Town of Trempealeau.
Tuscania survivors
JOHN M CHURCH 1895-1950 Older brother of Corneille. Seaman 1rst Class John lived in Trempealeau and served on the same ship as his brother during the war. He also came down with the Influenza but survived. He always was bitter that he was not allowed to see his younger brother before he died. Sailed on the USS Pennsylvania. Buried in Trempealeau Public Cemetery. Photo of John with his wife Laura who died in childbirth
CLIFFORD HANSON Clifford Hanson was born 1897 to P G Hanson. . His siblings were Elmer, Spencer, Franklin, Henry O , Clifford and Myrtle. He enlisted in the army June 18, 1918. He died 1973. CLINTON HANSON . Born in Cando, N Dakota 1893 Parents Edward and Mary. He enlisted 6.7.1917 and was a Corporal in the Medical Rescue Corp. Died 1951 and was survived by his two brothers, Ernest and Henry. HENRY R HERMANSON Born in 1888 in the Town of Preston to Olad And Annie. Siblings were Albert, Eddie, Clara and Helmer. He worked as a carpenter. He was in the 2cnd Regiment Field Artillery Replacement Depot. He married Myrtle Renning and he lived with his sister, Clara and her husband, Bennie Lien. After she died. He died 1969. Apr. 22, 1894 Ettrick Trempealeau County Wisconsin, USA JOHN HELLECKSON Stricken unexpectedly Monday morning at the Blair post office, veteran rural mail carrier John Hellekson of Blair, died from a heart attack about 8:15 am. that day shortly after arriving at the Whitehall Community hospital. He was born April 22, 1894 in Ettrick township, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hellekson and attended Galesville high school and the Onalaska Agricultural school. He married Caroline Strand October 11, 1919. The couple farmed on the Hellekson farm 10 years before moving to Ettrick. Hellekson started to carry mail while on the farm and worked out of Ettrick ten years before being transferred to Blair in 1939. He was a veteran of World War I and was one of the survivors of the Tuscania which was torpedoed February 5, 1918 by a German U boat. Survivors are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Donald (Carol) Cole, Melrose Park, Illinois; Mrs. Albert (Sarah) Hubbard, Conneaut, Ohio; Mrs. Audrey (Eva Jane) Johnson, Denver, Colorado; one son Paul, Ladysmith, Wisconsin; five grandchildren; one brother, Lawrence, Los Angeles, California; three sisters, Mrs. Cornel Leque, Long Island, New York; Mrs. Alf Jacobson, Yonkers, New York; and Mrs. Chris Gregorson, Ladysmith Apr. 22, 1894 Ettrick Trempealeau County Wisconsin, Gordon P Herreid The LaCrosse Tribune Tues May 13, 1975 ETTRICK, Wis. – GORDON HERREID, 80, of rural Ettrick died Monday, May 12 at a La Crosse hospital. He was born Sept. 29, 1894. in the Town of Ettrick to Mr. and Mrs. Ole G. Herreid. He was aboard the ship Tuscania He was unmarried and worked as a carpenter after returning to Ettrick. Survivors are three brothers, Carl, Richard and Leo, all of rural Ettrick; four sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Rachel) Olson of Melrose, Mrs. Blanche Johnson, Houston, Minn., Mrs Bernice Anderson, and Grace Herreid of rural LaCrosse. CARL J HERREID Brother of Gordon. Born 1896 to Ole G and Martha. Enlisted June 30, 1917 , survivor of Tuscania sinking. Discharged May 1919. Never married, lived in Ettrick area. Census in 1930 listed him as a ?steam engineer?. Died 1987. GARTHUS ADAM 1898-1955 Storekeeper in Independence Married to Agnes Burt. childre-Conrad, Rolf, Suzanne and Bonnie. Retired to Winona.
Lt Leslie Gilbertson Gilbertson Leslie C Born 1891 in Galesville to Gilbert O and Amelia. Gilbert was the partner in the Gilbertson & Myhre store in Galesville. Leslie lived in Duluth and became a candidate at Officer's Training at Ft. Snelling. He enlisted May 14, 1917 and was a Lieutenant in Co C, 7th Field Artillery. He was discharged Dec.24, 1918. He married and eventually became a banker is Hinsdale, IL. Leslie died in IA 1981.
Lt. Leslie C. Gilbertson
Lt Leslie Gilbertson
Gunderson Roy Odell Brn May 1898 to Peter M and Ingeborg (Nerhagen), Enlisted Aug 5, 1918 Private 1rst class, 318th Quarter Master, Guard&Fire Company. Discharged Dec 11, 1918, married Cora A Berg?He, was a farmer in the Town of Preston . Burial Fagernes Lutheran Cemetery, Blair. Died Jan 5, 1937
SGT NELS O LOKKEN Lokken, Sgt Nels Olof Born Dec. 29, 1886 to Hans and Leia (Nelson) Blair. Worked at the lumber yard in Blair. Sergeant in Co K, 26th Infantry, 1rst Division Wounded in France, 1918. Came home to Blair, never married, died April 9, 1955. His WW2 registration card noted he had large scars from his WW1 wounds.
LUDWICK JOHNSON Ludwick Johnson Brn 1893 to John and Bertha, lived near Blair. Enlisted July 22 1918, discharged June 19, 1919. Served Co D, 317th Infantry. Farmer, never married , died May 1959 Burial Fagernes Cemetery
Lucian Hunter Lucian was born in Nebraska to Walter and Janet (Oliver) Hunter. He grew up on the family farm on Decorah Prairie.. He wrote the following account of his service in the Army- I went to Camp Grant, July 22, 1918 and stayed there until Aug 24 then left for Camp ___ NY, Long Island. Sept 14 left for England on board the Olimpy, was on the water 9 days, 2,000 men took sick on the boat, 12 of them died on the way over. Some were sent to a hospital in South Hampton, England, the rest of us stayed in England until Oct 14 then sailed for France on board a small freighter. Landed in Cherbourg, France. We stayed there one day and night then left in freight cars for St. Andre which took 4 days and nights. Was in St Andres 4 days, then we boarded freight cars again for 3 days and nights. The morning of the 4th day we left the train for a small town not far from the Front lines. We marched to a French Camp just outside of this town?we stayed there for 2 days and on the morning of the 3rd day marched all day with heavy packs to join 111 Infantry, 3rd Regiment of 28th Division. We were stationed in a small town called Joy. Here we stayed 3 days to let 111th rest up before back to the Front again. The morning of the 3rd day , left this town for Theycourt, a small town just behind the lines. Here we were shelled for 7 days and then we left for the lines. Held the lines for 5 days and were shelled all the time we were there and was in a 7 hour gas attack. At noon of 6th day I was transferred with 90 other boys to CO B, 109th Infantry at Boxrulls. Here we drilled until Nov 10 and the morning of the 10th we went back to the front and began our attack on the right flank of Metz. We were under machine gun and artillery fire for 2 hours. At 11:00 got orders to fall back to old line of the night before because peace was signed. Was out on pass for 5 days and then was relieved by 3rd division. Then we went back to Beny where we stayed 2 weeks and then went back to Boxrulls and drilled one month. Then we hiked to a French Railroad and took a train to Colen Bay, France. Then we went to Lemont, France, to help build a sterilizing plant. We were stationed there until the last day of March. From there we went to St Nazaire. We were stationed there until April 16th and then left for Hoboken, NJ. Went to Camp Dix, NJ. Left there and went to Camp Grant. Received my discharge papers here May 22, 1919. (He returned and went on to farm the family farm on Decorah Prairie east of Galesville.
Lucian “Toot” Hunter
Lucian Hunter died 1971, burial Decorah Prairie Cemetery He was a member of Co B, 109th Infantry.
Sigvald Larson Born 1897 to Christian and Stina. Worked on the railroad prior to service in the Army. Died in a controversial accident 1920
Sigvald Larson accident
Larson law suit
Harry Peter Vanderburg Sr., 79, of Holmen, Wisconsin died Sunday at a La Crosse Wisconsin hospital. He was a stock buyer in the Trempealeau-Centerville, Wisconsin area moving to Holmen two years ago. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanderburg, he was born in Holland Oct. 23, 1893, and emigrated to this area when he was 17 years old. He was a veteran of World War I and was one of the survivors of the Tuscania, which was torpedoed off the coast of Scotland. Corp. Co B, 107 Supply Train, 32 Division He married Mabel Taylor, who died in 1953. In 1955 he married Gertrude Halderson. He was a member of the Trempealeau Veterans of Foreign Wars Post. Birth: Oct. 23, 1893 Tzummarum Franekeradeel Municipality Friesland, Netherlands Death: Feb. 11, 1973 La Crosse La Crosse County Wisconsin, USA LEWIS PETER VANRIPER- Born near Burr Oak, 1891 to Peter and Anna (Benedict) Worked as a farm laborer until he enlisted, Sept. 1917. He was a member of Co B, 102 Infantry, 26th Division. He went to France JUne 1918 on the transport ship Euripides . He was wounded November 1918. In 1924 he went into the Home for Disabled Veterans in Milwaukee suffering from TB. He was released in 1925. Died 1954 and was buried at South Beaver Creek cemetery near Ettrick.
OSCAR JAHR 1889-1952 Born 1889 near Blair to Otto and Ingeborg Jahr. Enlisted 7.3.197 and was a private 1rst Class Co F, 101 Supply Train, 26th Div. He was a survivor of the sinking of the Tuscania. Discharged 4.26.1919. Married Inga Bergum and had two children, Vern Marie (Quillin) and Robert O. Worked for the Trempealeau County Highway Department and lived in Independence. Died 1952 and is buried at Bethel Cemetery in Independence. JOSEPH L MARSOLEK 1894-1960 Born 1894 to Andrew and Mary. Siblings-Anna, Mary, Andrew, Lizzie, Julia. Lived in Town of Chimney Rock. Enlisted 7.22.1918 and was in Co. G, 311th Infantry, 78th Division. Married to Florence. Died 1960 and is buried at SSPP Independence IGNATZ AND ROBERT KAMPA Brothers born near Independence to Teofil and Hettie (Reck) Ignatz 1889-1945 Robert 1888-1971 Co D 16th Infantry 1rst Div. Ignatz served from June 1917 until May 1920. He was severely wounded in the legs and had to walk using two canes. Neither brother ever married. Ignatz was originally in Co L 6th WI Infantry but was transferred to Co F, 128th Infantry y. He was sent to France February 1918 and was wounded in the July Sisson offensive when he was hit in the left thigh by a dum dum bullet. He was given a medical discharge in May 1920. His brother Robert was in Co D 16th Infantry which Ignatz was eventually transferred to.
WILLIAM H MELBY Melby, William H Born 1895 in Vermont to Anton and Della. Was a banker in Blair. Married Faith VanTassel, children Anton and Phyllis. Sergeant 27th Co of 20th Engineers. Died Jan. 18, 1965 and is buried at Lincoln Cemetery, Whitehall
CORP. HENRY A OKSNEE 1893-1991 Henry was born in the Ettrick area 1893 to Andrew and Clara. His siblings were Minard, Selma, Cora, and Harold. He worked as a carpenter for E. Runnestrand until he enlisted July 1917. He was a corporal in Co. F, 107th Supply Train and was a survivor of the sinking of the Tuscania in February 1918. He was discharged May 29, 1919. He married Clara and lived in Winona where he worked for Mississippi Valley Public Service Company. He died 1991 and is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Winona. HENRY VEUM 1894-1958 Born 1894 in Chimney Rock to Halvor and Annie . Farmed with his father until he enlisted on June 29, 1917. Served in 107th Engineer Train 32 Division where he was listed as a wagoner. Discharged May 27, 1919. Lived and worked around Eau Claire. Died 1958 and is buried at Osseo Public Cemetery. Survivor of Tuscania sinking. ALBERT M MOEN- 1889-1951 Born near Blair to Martin and Mina. Prior to the war he worked with Claude Everson doing concrete work. He enlisted June 1917 and was Private First Class in the 107th Engineer Division, 32 Division. He was discharged in May 1919 and lived in Whitehall with his sister. GEORGE OLIVER-Oliver George Peter Brn 1896 to Robert A and Johanna, Was a student in 1917 at UW-WI HA 1, USNRF, lived near Galesville, died Jan 7, 1969, never married
Ernest Sielaff, fought for Germany
SELMER SEVERSON Severson, Selmer T. Born Sept 8, 1891 near Arcadia. Farmed with his father until he enlisted April 1918. Private First Class 356th , 89th Division. Wounded in Action. Discharged May 1919. Married Luella G. and was a house painter in the Town of Ettrick. Died Oct 1941, burial at Tamarack Lutheran Church, Arcadia. HELMER VOLD Vold, Helmer J Born Jan 1893 in Canada. Joined the Army and became a naturalized citizen in Aug. 1918 at Camp Grant, IL. Farmed in the Town of Sumner. He died Ap 14, 1981 and is buried with his wife, Emelia, at the Kings Valley Lutheran Cemetery. Helmers brother, Hector, died of the Flu while in the service.
Mike G Smieja 1891-1968 Prior to the war, farmed with his father near Independence. Parents were George and Pauline. He married Sophia Wiench in 1920.
Battery F, 121st Field Artillery 32d Division Ten men from Independence were members- Ingvald & Alfred N Peterson, Ray Galkiewicz, Joe Matchey, Alex Zilla, David Cilley, Ray L Hertzfeldt, Louis Sobotta, and John Filla.
LT LON F TUBBS- 1896-1953 Parents Frank and Ava. Lived in Independence. He enlisted June 1917 and married his wife Monica in 1917 while he was stationed in Waco TX. Member of the 32 Infantry, he was commissioned in September 1918 and was wounded at the Meuse-Argonne. Discharged June 1919. He was the manager of the telephone company in Independence, He went on to become the Veteran office Service Manager for the county, WI Vet Loan Commissioner, helped found the Independence American Legion post, member of City Council and also worked with the American Red Cross. He had two daughters and a son, Lon Tubbs Jr who was also in the service.
Lon Tubbs and right, Martin Wiemer on left at Camp McArthur in Waco TX.
1896-1995 1rst Srgt Martin Wiemer Martin was gassed during his time in Europe. He was the funeral director in Independence for many years. He was the County Coroner in Trempealeau County . He married Bessie Liver . His parents were Henry and Charlotte. His siblings were Alice, John, Henry, Blanche, Deva and Ianthe.
Broadfoot Brothers
Information on the Independent men who were members of the 32 Division
Funerals for Martin Erickson and Arthur Dahl 1921
1921 Remain of John Schock are brought home to Arcadia
EARL JENSEN– BORN 1897 in Waupaca to Nels P and Olga Jensen. He was attending high school in Blair when he left to enlist April 10, 1917, in to the Marines. He was a corporal in Co G, 6th Marines, 2nd Infantry Division. Earl fought in the struggle to take Belleau Woods in June 1918. He was wounded the morning of July 19, 1918 when the 6th Marines attacked thru the sugar beet fields near the Soissons-Chateau Thierry highway. Earl died of his wounds Aug 12, 1918. He was buried at the Suresnes American cemetery near Paris. His mother visited his grave as part of the Gold Star Mothers pilgrimages in the late 1920’s.
Account of the sinking of the Tuscania
Ignatz ‘Nick ‘ Pullman, Dairy famer in the Town of Pigeon, died from flu at Camp Dodge, IA 1918
Carl Nelson, Osseo. KIA 10:00 AM Nov 11, 1918
Martin Matchie 1918
Charles Herbert, KIA, Town of Arcadia
Arcadia 1919
Redwald Gotterberg died when the Moldavia went down His body was never recovered.
Joe Ressler
John Harly Hopkins born in 1896 in the Town of Preston. His father, Florison, was County Treasurer for many years. Harly enlisted in the Marines and served in the 6th Marines. He was a corporal and was wounded in the Battle of Belleau Woods June 14, 1918 and received the Purple Heart. On his return to the US he studied architecture in Chicago. Harly was a noted interior designer. He died in Whitehall 1951.
Richard Taylor, born 1895 in the Town of Gale to John and Jane, was in 201rst Military Police in France. He arrived back in the US 1919 and sold real estate in Madison area and died 1975.
Joe Reck, Independence
Clarence Waters–MIA his body was never located
Peter A Berg from Glencoe/Arcadia KIA 1918
1917 John Gallus was KIA and is buried in France.
Clarence F Bates, Osseo, pvt 120 Field Artillery Died from Flu, Jan 17, 1919. Born 1895 to Isaac and Nannie Bates. Served in the Army in the Mexican “Punitive Expedition” in 1916. Re enlisted in Army field Artillery. reburial May 1921, Forest Hill Cemetery Eau Claire.
Coffins in France being loaded on train cars.
Palmer Erickson, Osseo
Palmer Erickson stone,
George Bever from Osseo. Parents John and Anna. George was a dairy farmer. Battery A, 331 Light Artillery, died from the Flu in England, Oct 4, 1918 Reburial at Holy Angels Cemetery, Eau Claire County
Martin Erickson, Town of Arcadia First Trempealeau County soldier killed in WW1 at the Battle of Cantigny
Burials in France after the War
Postcard sent to Matilda Erickson Canuteson prior to Martin leaving for France.
Obituary for Martin Erickson, 1918
Martin Erickson was buried on the battlefield at Cantigny. His body was later repatriated to the US in 1920 and buried at Fagernes Lutheran
Funeral arrangement for Martin. The American Legion post in Arcadia was named for him
Grave Registration for Martin Erickson
partial list of men killed or died of disease in WW1
Otto Herbert, brother of Charles Herbert from Arcadia
Alec Jacobson was found to be very much alive. He lived a long life near Whitehall
Arthur Dahl of Galesville, KIA 1918
Art Dahl