World War II
List of County Men Killed in WW2 DNB-Death Non Battle FOD-Finding of Death DOW-Died of wounds M-Missing
1949 Group, post WW2
Eugene Pierzina 1945
Ray Walters 1945
Clarence Bautch
Marcell Waldera
Wiersgalla Family
Dominic Sura
Resig and Hamilton both survived the attack
Hank Gamroth was one of the men saved by Desmond Doss
Edmund Suchla
Stanley Hamilton
Ralph Sluga
Omar Stendahl
Clifford Hanson
Reynolds Tomter
Martha Marsolek, 1951
Leroy Woychik
Eileen Kirkpatrick and Mary Wozney
George Smick
Alphonse Waldera
Evarist Reck 1943
Clifford Blaha 2015
Robert Ofsdahl
Robert Ofsdahl (pt. 2)
Clarence Pellowski 1942
Victor Johnson, from Strum-Eleva area
Victor Johnson and family
Goodwin Anderson, Whitehall
Vernon Hulett
Selective Service draftees May 1944 2cnd Row 2 from left is Tony Berg, on his left Jerry Howard. Far Right 2nd row is Theodore Stendahl Jr, 4th r far left is Donald Wright
Hanson, Robert O
Melby Haakon
Sgt Milan Engen
1941 Selective Service Group
M Joyce Hunter Guthrie
Dr Elmer Rohde ‘Doc’
Gilbertson Arthur J
Byrne Brothers
Oines Bros 1941
Eckman, Carl J
1941 Warren Hagen, Lloyd Meagher, Glen Hamilton
Clarence “Bud” Smieja
Harold Isaacson 1949
Roman Blaha
Arlan Carter
Russell Severson
Perman Severson, Galesville, US Navy
Rudy Reck 1962
Arild Engelien
Adelbert Bautch KIA
Leroy Woychik 2022
1947 Arnold Davidson
Stanley Ekern
Victor Folkedahl
Jerry Mahoney
Ralph Sluga, Independence
Ralph Sluga
Myrtle Onsrud
Roland Johnson
Ernie Reck, Ray Pietrek, Lambert Pellowski
Ole Shay and Floyd Hovre
Theodore Enger
William Erickson
Irvin Anderson
Raymond Erickson and Ken Truax 1945
Haakon Erickson and Allen Greenwald 1945
1944 Kilmer Erickson and Francis Grinde, 1946
Andrew Pietrek and Bennie Maule
Jack Cantlon 1945
Jim Cram, Galesville
Palmer Skoug Army, son of Reinhardt Skoug, Strum, discharged 1946. Married Betty Tibbets in 1951
1946 Leo Haines
John Sylla, Albert Sylla, Claire Sill, Otis Saeter
Vernon Erickson Donald Johnson Henry Gamroth